In foreign films, rent a car looks like a very simple affair - come no one gave Uncle a certain amount of money, got into his car and drove off. However, in practice it is not so easy. Not knowing some of the subtleties can be to get into a lot of trouble, if not stay without a car. On the other hand, excessive caution can result in additional expenses.
There are several ways to rent a car abroad.
The most reliable way is to order it directly into France through some major international company. The most interesting is that despite all the idle speculation, it can be significantly cheaper than renting a car on the spot. True, in some cases can go out and expensive. Large companies have no additional money for the reservation is not taken, and the rental price depends on the country where the car is issued, not on where it ordered.
It's simple: phoned, found conditions at the polite consultants, and then wrote in an e-mail, what, when and where he wanted to get - and you can sleep peacefully. The company will take care of everything else itself - may even be right at the airport to give the car. But for the comfort you have to pay - to the machine at the airport, usually increases the price of the rent by 12%.
Moreover, these percentages do not add to the board for the first day, as you might expect, but to the total amount - it turns out not so little. But to do without this service, it is often impossible: on Saturday, when most of the tourists arrive, the city offices rolling offices generally work only until noon, and on Sunday they shut down altogether. Just outlets in airports are the exception. In large companies, the basic lease terms differ slightly: Hertz, for example, provide a Seat Ibiza in Greece for 223 dollars a week. Budget in the same country and for the same term will return for the $ 230 Renault Twingo. Avis - Fiat Punto for $ 220. Recall that all firms of this class do not work with customers without credit cards.
Necessary to pay on the spot and do not forget about the pledge.
And now it’s for the main details of the order car directly from France. The fact that the prices of offices in the rolling jump, greatly increasing the height of tourist season. When booking a client can be sure that the car he will get for the price, which was in force at the time of booking.
Now, for example, Ford Focus in Italy is 390 Euros per week. During peak season may be more expensive 30 percent. These same interest and make savings when booking. Keep in mind that when the rolling of the company you speak of discounts when booking, we are talking about it. If the price for the time from order to receipt of the car! Will not change a discount. In this connection it is appropriate to give advice to people is too cautious.
If to some original verabredet occurred in summer during the tourist season, book a car for several months in advance, on a rainy November, instead of saving can get a net loss. Prices will fall in November - for all but the unlucky customers.